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Birthsupport is the European importer of Birth Pool in a Box, the permanent FP3 birthing pool and all related products.
Private | Business


This Imprint was last updated on February 16, 2024.

The owner of this site is:

Birthsupport B.V. B.V.
Unescoweg 1
9636 HP Zuidbroek
Telephone number: +31 (0) 50 751 85 65
VAT: NL864147971B01

The legal representative(s) of Birthsupport B.V. B.V.:

Peter Machiel Lotgering

1. General

1.1 We are registered with Chamber of Commercer under the license or registration number:


We are willing or required to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

2. The following information is required by German law.